Lahti Basketball sai toivottua vahvistusta harjoituksiin, kun amerikklaiset Avery Sullivan ja Lue Williams saapuivat Lahteen maanantaina. 203 senttinen Sullivan aloittaa Lahdessa neljännen kautensa ammatilaisena. Ennen Lahteen saapumista jykevä, mutta taivata sentteri on pelannut Albaniassa, Kyproksessa, Maltalla ja viime kaudella Saksassa.

Saksassa Sullivan voitti Pro B sarjan mestaruuden ja oli arvokkain pelaaja. Seura ei mestaruudesta huolimatta halunnut nousta ja lahtelaisten onneksi Sullivan pelaa mustavalkoisissa pian alkavalla kaudella.

Lahti Basketball mediatiimi haastoi Sullivanin juttutuokioon ensimmäisten aamutreenien päätteeksi.

Welcome to Finland, Avery

What’s your first impression of the country?
Or city of Lahti?
Finland is very beautiful so far! I really love seeing trees everywhere. Also, I like the city of Lahti and how well put together the community is.

Tell me little bit about yourself?
I am 25 years old born and raised in Texas. I started playing basketball at 4 years old and have loved the game ever since.

This is your fourth season as a pro. Where have you been playing before Lahti?
I have played in Cyprus, Malta, Albania, and most recently Germany.

Last season you guys won the league in Germany. How was that experience?
It was an amazing experience! Just being able to put in work with your teammates everyday for 10 months straight and end raising a championship trophy is what makes everything worth it!

How’d you heard about Lahti Basketball?
I know Nijal Pearson who used to play here a couple years ago!

What is the best basketball memory so far in your career?
It is hard to decide between winning the championship in Germany last year and being named MVP in my 2 cup championships in Albania.

What kind of player is Avery Sullivan?
I am a player who is willing to do whatever it takes to help my team win. Especially in the rebounding aspect of the game.

Who has had biggest impact to your career?
I would have to say Zach Urbanus he has been my trainer since junior year of high school, and has impacted my life off the court as well.

Who’s your favorite player all time?
Kevin Durant

What’s your all time starting 5?
Steph Curry
Lebron James
Kevin Durant

Greetings to Lahti Basketball fans?
I am excited to be here and cannot wait to start playing in front of you all!